Want to Write for StartInPhx?

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Start Writing for StartInPhx

Why write for StartInPhx? 
  1. Personal branding. You want to become more well known as a sales thought leader.
  2. Employer branding. You want skilled sales professionals to think of your organization as THE BEST PLACE TO WORK.
  3. You like writing about sales, marketing, and/or business.
  4. You want to become better at writing about sales, marketing, and/or business.
  5. You want to lean more about sales, and/or marketing, business.
  6. You’re a budding freelance writer looking to build out a portfolio of writing samples you can shop to prospective clients.
  7. Barrett Development is a company you’d like to add as a paying client at some point.
  8. Backlinks from the posts you write plays to your SEO and/or content strategy.

Become a Guest Contributor

As a guest contributor for StartInPhx
you’ll be able to get your voice heard by our audience of family oriented business owners and sales professionals.  If you’re a business owner, sales professional, marketer, or writer looking to get more exposure, being a guest contributor might be a great opportunity for you.


What we’re looking for…

Actionable content that speaks to our audience. We like guest contributors to write articles that help moms, dads, husbands, and wives who lead sales teams as business owners or sales managers be rock stars at work and superheros in the eye of their kids and spouses.

A message. Just one message per article is all a reader can really handle. Edit your intro so that the point of your post is crystal clear.

Crazy simple direction. Don’t just tell readers they should do something. Break down the things they should to do into concrete and actionable steps they can execute today.

We love tips, tricks, hacks, and how-to’s business owners and sales managers can use to lead their teams so well that they don’t feel compelled bring work home with them and have it spill over into family time.

No self-promotion. Avoid promoting your tool or company in your post. Your author bio is a good place to do that.

A friendly voice. Say I, we, you. Write as if talking with a friend.

Not just text. Include high res images and embed video, audio, or infographics where relevant.

Credible advice and credit. Check your facts and quotations. Name your sources and link to their original form. Credit and backlinks give those quoted or referenced in your article the incentive to share your post when it goes live.



“StartInPhx is about best-practices in sales leadership, but that’s not what makes us different. Our differentiation comes from efficient sales leadership in service of our families. We’re about not simply being top-producing providers, but also a world-class parents and spouses. This is not a publication about grinding 25 hours a day, 8 days a week.”

– Brendan Alan Barrett


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It might help if you read our blog. Develop a sense of what we publish. Subscribe to our newsletter to get our most recent posts.

Have a headline or two you think we’d like?

We’d love to hear it!

Pitch us your idea for an article!