A Career in Massage Therapy | Anita Tanjutco

Anita Tanjutco is the owner of Mind and Body Energetics, which she founded on her passion for bodywork, wellness, and assisting her community with the healing of their bodies.

Anita’s practice specializes in various forms of bodywork, including therapeutic massage, organic body scrubs, as well as Reiki and other forms of and energy work.

With two Phoenix area locations, one near the Biltmore Fashion Park and the other near the Scottsdale Air Park, Mind and Body Energetics has become a leader in Arizona for quality on-site massage and bodywork.

Having established such a reputation, Mind and Body Energetics is now the exclusive provider of in-room massage treatments for the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Downtown Phoenix.

Career Success Q&A

What do you like most about your work?

Working with clients of all walks of life and assisting them in their journeys to optimal health and awareness of their bodies.


What kind of formal schooling or training do you have?

I received my AA from Mesa Community College [MCC] in 2005 and later began my practice in the healing arts in 2007 when I receive my Master Massage and Bodywork Certificate from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts [SWIHA].


What kind of experience did you have before you began your career?

I’ve always known I wanted to be in healthcare and help others feel great. When I was at MCC, I began taking prerequisites for their nursing program.

I soon learned practicing healthcare in a hospital and allopathic environment wasn’t quite the direction I saw myself moving towards. I actually went on a tour at another massage therapy school, but the stars were not aligned for me to attend that school; thankfully!

Two to three years later, I was told by a friend that I needed to ‘check-out’ SWIHA. So I did.

The moment I pulled into the parking lot, I knew I was exactly where I was meant to be. I met with an advisor, toured the powerful little campus, and registered for their next available program!


Do you have a mission statement or a guiding philosophy for your career?

Don’t think about it, feel about it!


What excites you most about your career right now?

Watching my baby grow and continue to flourish.

It’s been a long journey, and I know there’s still much growing to do; it’s fun and exciting to see and feel the kind of impact bodywork and awareness (consciousness) has on our community.

What excites you about the future of your career?

Knowing the sky is the limit and the business’ possibilities are endless.


How often do you read?

Argh… I didn’t grow up an avid reader, but it’s [something I’m learning to love] in my 30’s.

I have a few books that I’ve picked up in the last 6 months and I read about a chapter every few days, alternating between each of them.


What book would you recommend to other people trying to improve themselves professionally?

Chakras, The Magnificent Seven by Paula Shaw.

This book could actually be beneficial for everyone who’s interested in learning about their bodies; different ailments; unhealthy patterns; and what steps to take to begin healing the traumas surfacing in their bodies.

It’s a super-simple read!


Is there another type of media you regularly consume as a means of continuing your professional education?

Podcasts and YouTube.

My favorite podcasts to listen to are:


  1. FM, with Chris Ducker

He interviews successful entrepreneurs from all walks of life. He has them share their stories of how they created their businesses/success.

Even though only one guest has been in a similar industry as mine (that I’ve listened to), I enjoy learning about how successful entrepreneurs finally crossed that barrier of being average or even less than, to creating their empires.

We can all learn something from anyone!


  1. The Rich Roll Podcast

Being in the wellness industry, I’ve heard of [Rich Roll] over the last few years, but just recently started actually listening to his channel.

Long story short, he’s a recovering drug and alcohol abuser who’s found his way to becoming a vegan ultra-endurance athlete.

His guests are all advocates of wellness with subjects ranging from Russell Simmons and his journey into a vegan-lifestyle and practicing yogi; to how a high school dropout turned dope-head and felon became one of Southern California’s most respected wellness entrepreneurs.

Again, hearing about the journey of other successful individuals is not just entertaining, but really educational for me.


YouTube provides great videos for everything.

I personally love it for finding videos to help me brush up on different modalities that I haven’t practiced in a while.

Besides the YouTube channel by SpiritScience, I don’t have a regular channel that I resort back to.

I usually search for the type of treatment I’m hoping to go over and pick-and-choose from the [videos] that draw me in.

Sorry, I can’t be more helpful on that one… Maybe I need to create a channel that is more informative than many of the videos I’ve stumbled upon…!?


Do you have a regular routine or set of fundamental principles you follow as a conscious way of ensuring you’re always improving yourself professionally?

Honestly, I wake up every-single-day and thank the World, my higher consciousness, the Universe, God (whatever resonates with you), for all of my blessings and clients. That sets me up to begin my intentions for the day or week.

I have a planner and every Sunday I set an intention for the week coming, and write it down. During the week I do everything I can to make sure I achieve the task.


What is the best career advice you ever received?

This one’s a little difficult for me to answer. My parents were 15 when I was born and needless to say, it was children raising a child. Growing up they were trying to find their ways into this world also.

So, I didn’t really have much advice given to me that I can remember… besides the average ‘keep going, you’ve got this.’

Life advice however, my favorite tip [is] to listen to all the stories I can [from] grandparents and elders in and around the family, because they’re a part of history. Once they’re gone, we can never hear or live those stories again.

I LOVE that one!


What are a few of your short-term and long-term career goals?

I just want to bring awareness and better health to as many lives as possible, so continuing to share my gift of bodywork with the world, one body at a time, is my optimal goal.



What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced over the course of your career?

As a separate entity from Mind and Body Energetics I have a thriving personal clientele.

I currently have super skilled therapists contracted with me for events, but I’d love my therapists to have regular clients, like I have regular clients!

My dream is to create a brand… [for] facilitating onsite bodywork and wellness to a larger community/clientele.

This has been an issue of mine for the last few years as I’m not a huge promoter of my work. Nor have I been the type to invest in digital marketing. For a long time I’ve felt like I want things to happen organically.

I realize [now], I might have to get with the times sooner or later if I want to build this business to where I can keep myself, [as well as] my contractors booked on the daily.

It might be time to invest in some kind of advertising or partnership… I realize ‘dreams don’t work unless you do.’

[BRENDAN’S NOTES] Some resources I’d recommend are the Entrepreneur On Fire [EOFire] podcast for business growth strategies and the Content Marketing Institute [CMI] blog for marketing advice.

If you’re new to the idea of content marketing it’s important to know, that while you can start to see incremental results early, content marketing is an approach that can take a while to produce huge returns.

Similar to growing compound interest as an investor, content marketing builds on itself and is likely to produce greater and greater results for ever unit of input over a period of time.

In episode 133 of their podcast, PNR: This Old Marketing, Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose do a great job of illustrating this concept.  They discuss the content assets CMI has built over the years (Yes, just like financial asset that you’d buy once and make money from again and again over time) . They go into depth by pointing to online content that continues to drive the greatest amount of traffic and new business to CMI even years after it was published.


What have you found to work really well for your own professional growth?

Writing down my goals; weekly, monthly, yearly. I make sure to check up on each, weekly. For me, writing things down allows me to create checklists and make sure I’m not stagnant.


Need help setting SMART career goals? 

[FREE WORKSHEET] Download this easy to follow worksheet for help in setting your own career goals and writing a professional development action plan. Through planning and consistent effort, career success is inevitable. 



Are you currently working on any projects we should be aware of?

No current projects.

However, I’d LOVE to offer a gift of gratitude to your readers for taking the time to read this interview and be a part of your/our movement.

[Readers can] check out Mind and Body Energetics’ website (www.MBEnergetics.com), see what services we offer, and schedule a session with us using the discount code: startinphx at checkout and receive 25% OFF ALL treatments, no limit! Offer expires at the end of [2016].

Looking forward to connecting with you, wonderful souls!


Anita Tanjutco Career Success
Anita Tanjutco is the owner of Mind and Body Energetics.


What is the best way for people to connect with you?

Personal Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/anitatanjutco

Company Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MindandBodyEnergetics/

Instagram: @mindandbodyenergetics

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anita-tanjutco-90868618

Web: http://www.mbenergetics.com/

Email: love@mbenergetics.com

Have questions about your own professional development or the details of Anita’s career success? 

Ask your questions in the comments below and we’ll be sure to help in anyway we can!

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Brendan Alan Barrett

Brendan Alan Barrett is a top sales producer who has generated millions of dollars in revenue. In addition to running his own sales organization in the civil engineering and construction industry, Brendan provides coaching and training to sales teams and business owners. His practice focuses on identifying, prioritizing, and winning the attention of prospects that can be turned into sales quickly. In doing so, Brendan helps his clients to generate revenue and customer testimonials that fuel more scalable and less labor intensive business development efforts for year-over-year growth. As the founder of StartInPhx.com and host of The Business of Family and Selling podcast Brendan interviews moms, dads, husbands, and wives who work in sales or run their own businesses. Each interview unpacks the very best in strategies and tactics family-first sellers can use to grow their books of business without losing their status as a rock stars at home. While originally from the Chicagoland area, Brendan started his sales and marketing career in Southern California before relocating to Arizona.

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